+44 (0) 114 224 2257
Mon-Fri: 08.30-17.30
Mon-Fri: 08.30-17.30
Grant Instruments was born over 67 years ago, through one man’s vision and passion for invention. Peter Ward, a Cambridge University economics graduate and Olympic three-mile runner, had a hobby for repairing mechanical singing birds. From this, some might say, unlikely link, Peter went on to create his first commercial invention, a water bath. Together, with Cecil Chapman, who joined Grant in 1954, they built the foundations of the company still in existence today.
Grant Instruments manufacture most of their scientific apparatus products in the UK. Their R&D team are based in-house, together with sales and customer support teams, giving customers and partners the levels of service they expect. Grant Instruments’ guiding principle set out all those years ago in 1951, to ensure they provide “speed of service”, is a strong value that they still stand by today.
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Medline Scientific c/o Calibre Scientific
Unit 5a – Calibre Scientific House,
R-Evolution@The Advanced Manufacturing Park,
Selden Way, Catcliffe,
United Kingdom
S60 5XA