We’re excited to announce that right now we’re collaborating with independent laboratory sustainability specialists, Green Light Laboratories on several important case studies.
Each study has been designed to provide meaningful and actionable data for laboratories. Visit the Sustainable Lab at this year’s Lab Innovations to find out more.
Calibre Scientific can be found on Stand K80, if you’d like to discuss your application and/or any of the products involved in these studies.
Here’s a quick outline for three of these case studies…
Cold Storage: Case study 1 looks at the impact of varying levels of inventory organisation on running costs, speed of access, sample security etc.
This study investigates both -20°C and ULT freezers and will deliver useful data on the how sample organisation / inventory management and ULT racking can affect factors such as door opening times.
Centrifugation: Case study 2 investigates how parameters such as temperature setpoint and rotor load can impact the energy usage of laboratory centrifuges.
The findings should assist those looking to optimise their workflows and energy usage.
Benchtop Equipment: Case study 3 aims to quantify the impact of turning off common pieces of laboratory equipment such as dry block heaters, tube rollers, and hotplate stirrers.
We anticipate that this case study will be useful to those looking for ways to conserve energy and work more sustainably.

Please come and see us on Stand K80 if you’d like to discuss your application and/or any of the products involved in these studies. We’ll be exhibiting as Calibre Scientific with many other brands from within this portfolio.
If you can’t attend, then please get in touch:
+44 (0) 1865 400321 | enquiries@medlinescientific.com