New for electrophoresis:

Protein Ark electrophoresis stains and consumables

We’ve introduced a new range of electrophoresis stains and consumables from Protein Ark. The portfolio includes rapid protein stains, DNA stains, protein and DNA ladders, and agarose tablets for easy gel preparation.

Quick Coomassie provides rapid, high quality protein staining, whilst Magnite Green is a safer, non-carcinogenic alternative to traditional Ethidium Bromide staining. Read more about the range:

Quick Coomassie

Protein Ark’s Quick Coomassie protein stain offers unrivalled performance: up to 50 times more sensitive than other rapid stains currently available. Quick Coomassie is quick and easy to use — simply immerse the gel in stain for one hour before storing in deionised water; protein bands appear after minutes.

  • Highly sensitive: 5 to 25ng bands resolved
  • Accurate protein quantification: Low background; linear staining range
  • No organic solvents, phosphoric acid or cloudy precipitants
  • Available in 1L and 3x 1L bottles

Quick Coomassie has a shelf-life of 18 months (stored at 2 to 25°C) and can be used up to 3 times.

Realtime stain

An innovative dual-use protein electrophoresis stain and sample loading buffer, formulated for SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). Very simple to use: Add Realtime stain to the protein sample and heat. Protein bands will appear during the first 5 to 10 minutes of the gel running.

This simple protocol enables customers to optimise and customise the labelling efficiency, and to generate their own pre-stained molecular weight standards.

  • Applications: Protein pre-staining; sample loading buffer; creation of molecular weight standards
  • Economical to use: 40 lanes (or 4 gels) requires 0.2ml; 400 lanes (or 40 gels) requires 2ml of Realtime stain
  • Sensitivity: Linear range down to 50ng
  • 0.2ml and 2ml kits available

Suitable for pure and partially-pure protein samples, and compatible with cast and pre-cast gels: including Tris Glycine, Tris HEPES and Bis-Tris.

Molecular weight standard production requires: Ultra filtration columns (UFC): 1x Vivaspin 20, 10,000 kDa and 2ml of Realtime stain.

Elite pre-stained protein ladder

A three-colour protein standard with 10 pre-stained proteins that covers a broad range of molecular weights, with clear separation for high molecular weight proteins. Elite pre-stained protein ladder is designed for monitoring protein separation during PAGE and providing efficient and clear electro-transfer.

  • High-intensity, three-colour molecular weight determination
  • Clear and wide molecular weight range: 6.5 to 270kDa
  • Achieve up to 100% electroblot transfer efficiency*
  • Compatible with LI-COR
  • Two sizes available: 10x 0.25ml and 2x 0.25ml

* Seema Qamar, CIMR, Cambridge University 2018.

Eco pre-stained protein ladder

A three-colour protein standard with 9 pre-stained proteins that covers a wide range of molecular weights. Eco pre-stained protein ladder is designed for monitoring protein separation during SDS-PAGE, approximating protein size and verifying the efficiency of Western transfer on membranes.

  • Three-colour molecular weight determination
  • Molecular weight range: 15 to 180kDa

Proteins are covalently bonded with a blue chromophore except for four reference bands: two green bands (at 15 kDa and 60 kDa); two red bands (at 30kDa and 70kDa) when separated on SDS-PAGE (Tris Glycine buffer).

Elite DNA ladders

Ready-to-use molecular weight markers for size determination of DNA fragments on gel electrophoresis.

Protein Ark’s Elite 1 kb DNA ladder is suitable for measuring bands from 300bp to 10,000bp. It contains two dyes: Bromophenol blue and xylene cyanole enabling the user to visually monitor the progress of migration during agarose gel electrophoresis. Elite 100 bp DNA ladder is designed to measure bands from 100bp to 1,000bp and contains two dyes: Orange G loading dye and xylene cyanole.

Both versions are available in pack sizes: 100µl, 500µl and 5x 500µl.

Magnite Green DNA stain

A nucleic acid stain that offers a safer, non-carcinogenic alternative to Ethidium Bromide for detecting nucleic acids in different gels (agarose, formaldehyde and polyacrylamide gels). Protein Ark’s Magnite Green DNA stain emits green fluorescence when bound to ssDNA, dsDNA or RNA and can be used with precast agarose gels, after electrophoresis. It is as sensitive as Ethidium Bromide and is compatible with a wide variety of gel-reading instruments.

  • Two secondary fluorescence excitation peaks: ~270nm and ~290nm
  • One strong excitation peak: ~490nm
  • Fluorescence emission centred at: ~530nm

Note: Post staining is recommended for better sensitivity.

Elite Agarose tablets

Protein Ark’s Elite agarose tablets contain everything required for simple preparation of agarose gels, in desired gel percentages.

  • Gel prep in minutes with just water (3-in-1 tablets) or running buffer (2-in-1 and Agarose tablets)
  • Ready-to-use format means no weighing and improved gel-to-gel reproducibility
  • Ultrapure agarose allows for high resolution of DNA fragment and low background

Elite agarose tablets are ideal for DNA and RNA gel electrophoresis and blotting assays, and are available in four varieties:

Elite 3-in-1 TBE Agarose tablets: Ultrapure agarose, TBE buffer and Magnite Green DNA stain
Elite 3-in-1 TAE Agarose tablets: Ultrapure agarose, TAE buffer and Magnite Green DNA stain
Elite 2-in-1 Agarose tablets: Ultrapure agarose and Magnite Green DNA stain
Elite Agarose tablets: Ultrapure agarose

Image shows, left to right: Agarose tables, Magnite Green DNA stain and Elite DNA ladder

If you would like more information on our range of electrophoresis stains and consumables, or would like to request a quotation, please contact us: