Priorclave EV100-BASE 100 Litre Top-loading Autoclave, Electric, Base Range



The Priorclave EV100-BASE 100 Litre autoclave is a high-efficiency cylindrical-chambered autoclave. Top-loading, electric heat input and well suited to research, quality assurance, and teaching labs that must regularly process taller flasks, fermentors, or bioreactors.


Priorclave’s Base range covers “the basics”: media preparation, waste loads, and sterilising loose instruments, open containers, and labware. Easy maintenance and light resource consumption help ensure a low lifetime cost of ownership.
All Base models include fully programmable cycle customisation, “media warming,” integrated cooling and free-steaming systems, and drain protection.
Top-loading autoclaves are a popular choice, owing to their high efficiency and small footprint (relative to chamber size).

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Priorclave EV100-BASE 100 Litre Top-loading Autoclave, Electric, Base Range

priorclave top loading autoclave