RBS NA 2 Acidic Neutralizing Agent (phosphoric acid based), 5 Litre



RBS NA 2 Acidic Neutralizing Agent is phosphoric acid based and suitable for pre-washing and rinsing cycles in washing machines.


RBS NA 2 Acidic Neutralizing Agent is phosphoric acid based and suitable for pre-washing and rinsing cycles in washing machines. It can also be used in combination with an alkaline RBS detergent for cleaning glassware and laboratory equipment in washing machines.

Allows the removal of mineral salts and other hard-to-clean soils with an alkaline detergent. In the rinsing cycle, RBS NA 2 neutralises the residual alkaline traces of the main alkaline washing.


  • Concentrated product
  • Low concentration of use
  • Surfactants-free
  • Can be used for both pre-wash and rinsing cycles
  • Improves rinsing
  • Prevents forming of calcareous traces


Use concentration (%): 02.-0.5% v/v in water

Available packing: Box of 4 x 5 L (for other pack sizes, please contact us)

PH 100%: 1

PH (in solution): 1.8 (0.5%)

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RBS NA 2 Acidic Neutralizing Agent (phosphoric acid based), 5 Litre