Stirling Ultracold SU780XLE ULT Freezer: Reviewed

Stirling Ultracold SU780XLE ULT Freezer

The results are in! Laboratories are energy intensive environments, with most teams running a wide variety of equipment. Whilst some of this can be switched off when not in use (e.g., fume cabinets and autoclaves), other equipment must stay on 24/7, such as fridges and ULT freezers. There are some simple steps to help you […]

Sustainable lab practices: Laboratory freezers and ULTs

Sustainable Laboratory Practices

Laboratories use lots of energy, far more than your average office [1]. However, many scientists are keen to reduce their carbon footprint and work more sustainably. The majority of laboratories will have at least one freezer and it will be running 24/7. However, there are still steps you can take to improve efficiency and reduce […]

Sustainable laboratory practices

Sustainable Laboratory Practices

Laboratories consume large quantities of energy; using 4-6 times (per m2) more than your average office.[1] This article highlights a number of sustainable laboratory practices, some of which, might be appropriate for your daily workflows. Energy-usage in laboratories The majority of labs will have several pieces of equipment running for long periods of time such […]